What Do You Do If You Get Something Stuck Between Your Teeth?

Individuals get food stuck in and between their teeth all the time. Most of the time it is not a problem to get the food unstuck with floss or a toothbrush and move on with your day. However, once in a while, there is a pesky piece of food that seems extremely difficult to get […]

Not Happy With Your Gums? Ask About Contouring

Some Pensacola and Niceville dental patients who are interested in a full smile makeover might want to consider gum contouring. This cosmetic dentistry procedure is helpful for people who feel that their gums rest too low or too high on their teeth. If you feel that your gums cover too much of the surface of […]

Gum Disease Linked To Alzheimer’s: Keep Those Gums Healthy!

As if you needed another reason to keep your gums in first-rate condition. At Smileology, we can ensure your gums are in ideal condition in Niceville and Miramar Beach FL. Scientists have found a link between a bacteria that causes periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and Alzheimer’s Disease. Porphyomonas gingivalis is a bacteria that can result […]

The Vital Importance of Caring for Your Gums in Florida

When it comes to maintaining oral health, many people focus primarily on their teeth. However, the significance of gum care should never be overlooked. Healthy gums play a crucial role in overall oral well-being and are essential for preserving the stability and longevity of your teeth. Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s important […]

Tooth Tips For Traveling

If you are planning to take an extended vacation or business trip soon, I recommend you examine your dental needs. It’s always a good idea to have a checkup with your dentist prior to leaving on long vacations, especially if your trip is taking you to developing areas without satisfactory dental care options. This quick […]

What You Need To Know About Oral Cancer

During routine dental examinations, your dentist may look for signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer refers to cancers in the tongue, mouth, lips, jaw, and throat. Many Niceville dental patients don’t realize the seriousness of oral cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 39,000 people will get oral cancer this year.1 Consider this unfortunate […]

The 4 Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults. It’s a progressive condition, and is easily treatable in its earliest stages. From Smileology in Niceville and Miramar Beach FL, here are the four main stages of gum disease. Gingivitis The main symptoms of gingivitis include red or swollen gums that cause discomfort while […]

If My Gums Bleed, Should I Stop Flossing?

If your gums bleed when you floss your teeth, should you drop flossing from your dental health routine? We’re asked about this from time to time at Smileology in Niceville and Miramar. Our answer is short and right to the point: “No!” Bleeding is probably a sign that you need to clean your teeth and […]

Danger Zone! 5 Signs Of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious but treatable condition, at Smileology in Niceville and Miramar Beach. Schedule an appointment with us today!