Trouble Getting Numb For Dental Treatment?
Our bodies work differently. Some dental patients don’t respond to local anesthetics like others. This is understandably concerning when you need dental treatment. (And the word “concerning” may be a huge understatement!) It’s important to know that bad experiences in the past don’t guarantee that you will never be able to become numb. At Smileology, […]
Sleep Dentistry At Smileology
Dental visits can be extremely stressful and for some Florida residents, the fear and anxiety associated with a trip to the dentist prevents them from getting the care they need. At Smileology we provide the best oral sedation dentistry available. We will accommodate your needs with minimal, moderate, or deep sedation. Don’t let dental dread […]
Still Have Your Wisdom Teeth in Niceville?
Wisdom teeth usually come in between ages 16 and 24. Wisdom teeth are not always troublesome, but it is important to learn as early as possible whether your wisdom teeth are coming in sideways or otherwise impacting your other teeth. Checking your wisdom teeth is a simple and painless process, and can save you trouble […]
Should I Worry About My Snoring?
Snoring isn’t just an annoyance. It can have major health consequences. What is Snoring? Snoring is caused by an obstruction that restricts the flow of air in the throat. The obstruction can be caused by: Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue—when muscles relax they can collapse onto the airway. Alcohol use and sleeping […]
Keeping Patients Calm Since 2000
Are you or a family member uneasy about going to the dentist? Has a past experience with pain or discomfort caused you to start panicking when you think about having your teeth worked on? Have you neglected to go to the dentist and fear the amount of work that might need to be performed? If […]
Afraid of the Dentist? 5 Ways to Reduce Dental Anxiety
If you tense up just thinking about going to the dentist, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered by Smileology in Niceville and Miramar Beach. Millions of Americans stress out when they have to see the dentist. It is referred to as dental anxiety. There is a more severe form, too, called dental phobia. In […]
Relieving Your Dental Anxiety At Smileology
If you tense up just thinking about going to the dentist, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered by Smileology in Niceville and Miramar Beach. Millions of Americans stress out when they have to see the dentist. It is referred to as dental anxiety. There is a more severe form, too, called dental phobia. In […]